What is West Norfolk Homechoice
West Norfolk Homechoice is a simple and clear way of finding a home to rent in the West Norfolk area from partner housing associations
Who can apply
Find out who can apply for West Norfolk Homechoice, and the criteria you must meet
How to bid
Guidance notes to help you bid on a property. To be able to bid, you must be accepted onto the housing register first
Allocation policy
The Guide to West Norfolk Homechoice shows who's allowed onto the housing register, and explains the different housing need bands
Mutual exchange
If you're currently a housing association tenant, you may wish to consider a mutual exchange (swap) of tenancies
Apply or update my application
Finish an application, submit a change of circumstances or send us evidence.
What is West Norfolk HomechoiceWhat is West Norfolk Homechoice
Who can applyWho can apply
How to bidHow to bid
Allocation policyAllocation policy
Mutual exchangeMutual exchange
Apply or update my applicationApply or update my application