What is West Norfolk Homechoice
About our choice based letting scheme, including a map of the area we cover
About our scheme
West Norfolk Homechoice is a choice based lettings scheme.
You’re able to make choices about:
- where you want to live
- the type of home that’s most suitable for you
Our scheme advertises properties to rent on behalf of partner housing associations.
To join our scheme, we’ll need to accept you onto the housing register first. Then you can bid for properties in the area of your choice.
To be accepted onto the housing register, you must meet our eligibility criteria, including:
- an annual income and savings less than a third of the average property price in the area
- a local connection to the area
You can find out the full criteria on our who can apply page.
Once accepted onto the register, we prioritise applicants according to their housing need. We’ll give greater priority to those in the greatest need.
However, demand for accommodation is far greater than the number of properties available, so there may be a wait for housing. Private renting is often the quickest way to find housing and offers a great deal of choice. You can find out more on our private rented housing page. To view the number of people currently on our waiting list, please download our housing register applicants document.
What area we cover
We only advertise properties within west Norfolk, outlined on the map below. Your local connection must be to this area. If you wish to apply, please visit our apply for the housing register page.